Monday, June 27, 2011

Sheena and the Doppelganger - Horror Story

As part of our curriculum in college, my group mates and I were assigned to do a documentary about the old colonial-style houses and ruins of historic sites that rest among the urban communities. We wanted to impress our professor so we decided to shoot most of the film with the ruins as the background. Unfortunately, our budget has limited us to do the filming inside an abandoned building instead but which resembles the ruins in some ways. It was a convincing "mock" setting and we ended up shooting there until sunset due to the uncooperative weather.

The focus of the documentary was simply the historical value of the subjects. It didn't strike us at first that there is an eerie feel about the project.

While we were packing things up to head to our next destination, which is an old village, my classmate Sheena made an excuse to go to the restroom.

"Just stay here, guys. I need to pee," she said as she tugged her boyfriend to go with her.

All of us were busy with our knapsacks to pay any attention to Sheena; after all, it was already dark by the time we have finished shooting and we definitely won't leave the place until we were ready to go.

At about thirty minutes after we last heard of Sheena, she was still nowhere in sight. We couldn't afford to have someone look for her for we have sensed that something might go wrong. To our surprise, Sheena's boyfriend was with us and he himself was impatiently waiting for her to come back.

"Why are you here? We thought she tagged you along," we asked.

"No, man. I was helping Alex with the cables, right?" he replied in a rather irritated tone.

Chills went down our spines and we began to worry. Worse, Sheena had left her phone in her knapsack. Just when we are about to search for her, Sheena appeared, panting and crying.

"Where have you been? We're all getting worried here," her boyfriend asked.

"Worried? I told you to just stay by the door while I was inside the cubicle but you left! I saw a ghost right by the restroom door!" Sheena cried.

We rushed to our van and tossed our stuff inside right away. While we were driving away, Sheena related her scary story to us.

It so happened that the guy Sheena thought was her boyfriend was actually the ghost she had seen standing outside the restroom. How she had mistaken it for her boyfriend, she didn't know. They were so much alike, she said, except that the one she had been with "was rather cold in touch" but she just didn't mind until she had seen the apparition.

Sheena also said that she can't find her way back to our meeting place. Whenever she takes turns through the corridors, they always lead her back to the restroom. After trying four times around the hallways, she fretfully recited a prayer, then suddenly she saw us all in the distance. Sheena looked so freaked out while telling her story that it had to be true.

If you enjoyed this story, read more like it at horror stories. is a humanities weblog that features short stories by D.B. Crow.

View the original article here

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