Monday, June 27, 2011

The Story of a Furry Purry

A Cute Kitten Comes to Stay

The children were given a present of a cute little long-haired kitten with large green eyes. They were delighted. A kitten of their very own to look after, brush the long fur feed and play with. The first thing that they did was to find it a round basket with a fluffy soft cushion to sleep in. The next thing was to find it toys to play with while they were at school.

Going shopping with their mother to the supermarket, they chose two brightly colored dishes, one for eating out of and one for the water. Then they bought a big packet of kitten food so that it need never be hungry. Finding a soft ball and a toy mouse with a long tail, they bought them as well.

They were able to play for hours with their new kitten that they named "Mischief." Mischief certainly lived up to its name. It would chase them all around the house, getting under everybody's feet as it rushed around at great speed, hardly being able to stop before crashing in to the furniture or doors.

When Mother was sitting and doing her knitting, Mischief thought that this was for her benefit only and would leap up on to mothers lap, grab hold of the ball of wool and scuttle off with it, ending up becoming a mass of kitten and wool and unable to free itself. Mother would not be very pleased but as it looked so cute, she would not be cross with it.

A favorite game was to sit innocently beside the children and try and steal some food from their plates, by stretching out a paw to grab a titbit while gazing in to the distance as though nothing was happening, knowing full well that this was really not allowed. When told what a naughty kitten it was, it adopted a hurt expression on its little face.

Another favorite game was playing hide-and- seek. Hiding behind a chair or sofa and pouncing on your feet as you came past, then rushing off to hide again. Hours spent with this novel game.

By the end of the day, Mischief was very tired. After a big bowl of cat food, cleaning itself, (cats clean themselves by licking themselves with their tongue) it was time for bed. Off to its basket it would go and after a few minutes of turning round and round to become very comfortable, would fall fast asleep. By this time, the children were also exhausted and ready for their bath, bed, to fall asleep, and dream of playing with Mischief again the following day.

My name is Gloria Herman and one of my favourite pastimes is writing articles. I use a variety of subjects as my topics. Being well travelled has enabled me to see many sides of life. Meeting interesting people has given me an insight into their ways of life and the various conditions under which they live. Life is one big collection of inspiration.

Children are always wonderful audiences and love stories.

View the original article here

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